Odisha : Millet Mission
In 2017, the #OdishaGovernment launched the #OdishaMilletsMission (OMM) under the leadership of #ChiefMinister #NaveenPatnaik. The Mission aims to promote the cultivation, processing, and consumption of Millets in the State.
#Millets are an ancient group of small-grained cereals that are drought-resistant and nutrient-rich. They are a staple food for millions of people around the world, but they have been largely neglected in India in recent decades.

The #OMM has been a pioneering initiative in promoting millets in #India. The Mission has provided farmers with access to quality seeds, improved agronomic practices, and market linkages. It has also supported the development of Millet-based value chains, such as the production of Millet flour, snacks, and beverages.
As a result of the OMM, Millet production in Odisha has increased by more than 50% since 2017. The mission has also helped to improve the nutritional status of millions of people in the state. In addition, the OMM has created new jobs and opportunities for women and youth in rural areas.

The OMM is a successful example of how Government intervention can help to promote sustainable agriculture and nutrition. The mission has the potential to be replicated in other States and Countries, and it could help to address the challenges of #climate_change and #food_insecurity.
Here are some of the key achievements of the Odisha Millets Mission:
Increased millet production by more than 50% since 2017
Improved the nutritional status of millions of people in the state
Created new jobs and opportunities for women and youth in rural areas
Demonstrated the potential of government intervention to promote sustainable agriculture and nutrition
The #UnitedNations and Indian #PrimeMinister #NarendraModi have adopted the #Odisha_Millet_Mission, a program that aims to promote the cultivation and consumption of millets in the state of Odisha. The mission is part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. The Odisha Millet Mission is expected to benefit over 1 million farmers in the State.

Here are some additional details about the mission:
TheMission will provide farmers with training on millet cultivation, as well as access to improved seeds and fertilizers.
The Mission will also promote the consumption of millets through public awareness campaigns and by encouraging restaurants and food vendors to offer millet-based dishes.
The Mission is expected to help to improve the livelihoods of farmers in Odisha and to make millets a more widely available and affordable food source for the state's population.
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